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#1 2012-06-14 09:19:17

Junior member
Registered: 2011-09-09

Update For 1.1.5 Regarding Agent Use

Just downloaded 1.1.5 update... Thank you!

As an agent I am keen to be using the "new" companies feature.  At present I have split each company portfolio by catalogue.  Therefore this update posses a number questions;

Do I need to restructure my raw data CSV product and catalouge files and have one for each principle?
If so will there need to be a separate licence required for each principle to make this work? (my principals are not nessaseraly customers of SP, Yet!)
If I have missed something is there some more information or help I can get on the new feature?

Thanks and Regards



#2 2012-06-14 15:34:10

Registered: 2008-02-09

Re: Update For 1.1.5 Regarding Agent Use

We are working on some proper documentation for the companies feature.

Essentially, this feature allows an agent to visit a customer with a specific company "hat" on. Visit one customer and you're representing company A, visit another customer and you're representing company B.

Each company would have their own cloud account (and associated set of data and image files) and the agent would simply switch between the accounts within SP as required. Cloud account registrations are free so there are no licensing requirements or additional costs involved in using the companies feature.

While there are a number of ways that an agent may wish to operate, the method we've implemented for the companies feature is just the first, simplest, way of operating. More methods are planned for the future.



#3 2012-06-14 16:23:21

Junior member
Registered: 2011-09-09

Re: Update For 1.1.5 Regarding Agent Use

Thank you Admin....

This makes complete sense and makes vendor/portfolio specific data handling issues a lot easier to manage.




#4 2012-06-28 21:17:08

Junior member
Registered: 2012-06-28

Re: Update For 1.1.5 Regarding Agent Use


New to the forum and don't actually have the app yet. I think this thread answers most of my question. I'm an agent and one of my companies is working on setting up with this app. I'd really like to get some of my other companies using it too. The thing that isn't clear is: when using multiple companies and therefore multiple cloud accounts, how would I go about downloading data from them. When you switch from one company to another is there a download/update button in each company area? With its own set of download data? If not how does the app know which company data to download/ update?

Thanks in advance.!



#5 2012-06-29 10:54:52

Registered: 2008-02-09

Re: Update For 1.1.5 Regarding Agent Use

When you first install the app you're presented with a "blank" grey front-screen:


After downloading the demonstration database your front screen will be set up for our "Bottled Art Company" fictional company:


Pressing the Companies button near the bottom-right of the screen pops up a list of companies that you currently have installed (in this instance, just the demonstration company):


The + button on this companies screen can be used to create additional companies. Once pressed (and you've confirmed that you want to create another company), the app resets back to the "blank" grey front-screen again (as if you'd just installed the app) so that you can set up the new company in the normal way.

You then use the Companies button to simply switch between different companies as required:


Once you've selected a company all features (uploading, downloading, order taking) operate against that company, until you switch to another company.



#6 2012-06-29 17:13:47

Junior member
Registered: 2012-06-28

Re: Update For 1.1.5 Regarding Agent Use

Perfect! In that case this App will work really well for me.

Thanks for your help!



#7 2017-04-05 10:31:48

New member
Registered: 2016-09-20

Re: Update For 1.1.5 Regarding Agent Use

What do I do if the + button is shaded? Thanks



#8 2017-04-05 16:23:59

Registered: 2008-02-09

Re: Update For 1.1.5 Regarding Agent Use

PMS wrote:

What do I do if the + button is shaded? Thanks

This means that you haven't completed the setup and initial download of the previous company you have created (which is probably showing as "AWAITING SETUP/DOWNLOAD" in the list of companies). Once you've completed that one, the + button will be available again to let you add the next company.



#9 2017-04-05 17:36:41

Registered: 2008-02-09

Re: Update For 1.1.5 Regarding Agent Use

If the + button is disabled, it means you already have an additional company currently showing as "Awaiting Setup/Download". You should enter the device pairing details into the Download Manager > Settings screen for this company and then perform a download before attempting to set up any further companies.

For more information on how to download your data into SalesPresenter, please see the following video on our YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4ueKkyp5o4


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