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  •  » Ability to update customer info during a call, or lack of it.

#1 2012-07-09 11:52:17

Junior member
Registered: 2012-06-28

Ability to update customer info during a call, or lack of it.

Pasting my comment on another thread in case it gets missed.  I'm really surprised that more People haven't had a major problem with this.

Having just about got the app to where I want it as far as data and images are concerned, I've only just realised that I can't edit customer info from the iPad. As a user that at the moment doesn't link to a back office system this is a real problem.

My customer info is only as good as the database of the companies that I represent. In some cases the info is detailed but in many it's poor.

It's really really important for me to be able to add missing email addresses or phone numbers when I'm in a call. Also things change and customers change or add delivery addresses and there seems to be no way of adding a new address while in ba call either. I'd have to give them a completely new account number.

I would say that this update would be a priority for any serious user of this app.

Without the ability to update customer details in a call i will have trouble convincing the other 9 users at the main company that I am setting this up for to use it.

From my point of view you need to be able to:

Add new delivery address to existing account  (this is the most important thing)
Add missing email address, phone number etc
Edit wrong address details

Would also be good if there was facility to download your customer cvs file from your cloud, edit and re-upload so that any changes you make on the road could be backed up.

Hope this can be added soon! Thanks.



#2 2012-07-10 10:25:13

Registered: 2008-02-09

Re: Ability to update customer info during a call, or lack of it.

As mentioned on the other thread, adding customer account management features (which would include the ability to maintain the accounts directly on the iPad) is on our development list but hasn't made it to the top of the list yet.

Our development resources are currently in the middle of a couple of sizeable pieces of work for SP so realistically it will be autumn before we can turn our attention to this.



#3 2013-02-15 11:15:14

New member
Registered: 2013-02-14

Re: Ability to update customer info during a call, or lack of it.

My Guys have also said this is a must.. any news on this, the App is really great value, but like all ideas, proof is the users who find those missing parts to make a good app,  a fantastic app!! we would pay for extra for bespoke options..



#4 2013-02-15 17:37:05

Registered: 2008-02-09

Re: Ability to update customer info during a call, or lack of it.

We will, finally, be turning our attention to this shortly.



#5 2013-05-09 16:04:15

New member
Registered: 2012-10-17

Re: Ability to update customer info during a call, or lack of it.

Hi, Your last post was on FEB 15th, and there was an update today which still has not addressed this requirement. Everybody makes typos, the ability to be able to go back and fix these once there is order history is an absolute MUST, as is the ability to amend an email address under the same conditions. I have reps calling me saying that they have made an error keying in an email address which they can not now change. The same is true of the default CUSTOMER account number that appears at the start of all new account set ups. If a rep does not have is customer list with him/her at the time, they really do need to be able to go back into the customer details page and amend that information.

I have to say, I mirror the comments of MATTM above that I can't believe more people have not brought this up? This is my second request for this, the first being November last year.  Come on guys, get your light bulbs above your heads and fix it for us....



#6 2013-05-09 16:06:45

New member
Registered: 2012-10-17

Re: Ability to update customer info during a call, or lack of it.

And look, I even made a typo just to prove I'm human too....



#7 2016-06-22 22:25:42

Junior member
From: Brisbane AU
Registered: 2012-10-05

Re: Ability to update customer info during a call, or lack of it.

I created a new customer on the Ipad and it auto generates the customer code. With our current app we can change this after the office creates the Acc Code.

I have tried to edit but say not possible due to exported orders, fine thought I may be able to download the customer data file from cloud and update it, but its not in there to do so which is very concerning to have data on an ipad not backed up to the cloud account. if I needed do a full reinstall I would not have any of my newly created accounts.



#8 2016-06-24 09:31:39

Registered: 2008-02-09

Re: Ability to update customer info during a call, or lack of it.

Once a customer has been created and an order has been taken for that new customer and uploaded to the cloud, you will need to ensure the below configuration is ticked (which can be found in your Account Settings section of your cloud account):

Tick this box if you want to put orders uploaded from Sales Presenter on hold in the cloud account for new customers.

Then from within the Orders section of your cloud account, you will be able to assign the account code for that new customer.

When you next perform a Download from Cloud, the recently assigned account code will be pulled down to the device where you will then be able to edit the customer information.

Customers created on a device will only stay on that device, you would need to have the new customer data within your Customers CSV file in order for that to be brought down to another device.


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  •  » Ability to update customer info during a call, or lack of it.

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